Earn Up To 7500 Vitality Points –
When You Complete Your Vitality Fitness Assessment

Discovery Health partners with Biokineticists like us to help you complete your annual Vitality Fitness Assessments. Dhansay & Roberts Biokineticists are officially listed on the Discovery Vitality Network, so all you have to do is:

  • Book your appointment with us,
  • Complete your Vitality Fitness Assessment,
  • And Earn up to 7500 Vitality Points

What To Expect

The Vitality Fitness Assessment takes roughly 45min in which we conduct various health tests to gain a better understanding of your overall fitness.  The assessment consists of two parts; the first part focuses on cardiovascular fitness while the second part measures your strength and flexibility.

You will automatically receive 2500 vitality points for completing this assessment and up to 5000 bonus points depending on how well you do. If you do not maximise your points on the first try, our Biokineticists can help you improve in the areas that need work, and you can perform a retest as often as you like in that calendar year.

We also have the option to complete your assessment in pairs, which will take an hour to complete (only an additional 15 minutes).

What Does It Cost?

R534 (standard VFA rate), claimable from your Discovery Medical Aid.

What Do I Need To Bring Along?

  • Bring along your ID  / ID number
  • Discovery medical aid membership card with your membership number.
  • Download the latest copy of the “VFA Consent Form" here and complete it.
  • Exercise clothes including training shoes, hand towel & water bottle.

Friendly Note: If you plan to fill in the forms at our facility, please ensure that you arrive at our offices 5-10mins prior to your scheduled appointment.

Book Your Vitality Fitness Assessment In Cape Town

Simply fill in the form below to book your Vitality Fitness Assessment with Dhansay & Roberts Biokineticists. You have a choice of two facilities located across Cape Town – choose either our Claremont or Green Point branch for your convenience.

Which dates and slots would work best for you and how many people would you like to book for?

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